This pic was actually taken Saturday morning. I know I'm late updating this blog, just had a busy weekend.
Down 2.2 pounds this week. Wish I could say that it was a picture perfect pretty week, but it was far from that. I was actually very surprised that I lost that much considering the amount of calories that I ate last week, including a splurge day. Say what? Yes. A. Splurge. Day. Not meal. Day.
This was my first splurge day since starting 70 days ago. That was my longest streak ever. The splurge day wasn't planned. We were celebrating our youngest daughter's birthday. It was in that environment that little spur of the moment decisions snowballed into trying to satisfy 70 days of cravings and eating several pieces of pizza and a few servings of cake and ice cream. I convinced myself that I would just be strict the remainder of the week so I could enjoy this treat day. Well I did. All 5000+ calories.
Then came Monday. I had a great workout and a great day with my diet... That is until it was bedtime. I came home from work and found myself with a spoon digging into some left over ice cream from yesterday's birthday party. What happened to the self control? What happened to the discipline? What happened to the power to stay strong focused and committed to my goals. What happened to the grace that I had for the previous 70 days. I felt absutely powerless. Zero self control and zero will power to take control over my health. I was just shoveling spoonfuls of ice cream into my mouth, not caring anymore.
It really freaked me out. I cried out to God asking for His help. I needed it. Thank God He answered with a wake up call that instantly convinced me that it was by His grace that I made it 70 days of pure, effortless dedication.
I heard God whisper in my heart..."when you are saying yes to splurge and try to satisfy every craving by eating whatever, whenever and as much as you want, you are also saying no to My grace that I am providing you. When you are saying no to My grace, you are ultimately deciding that you don't need My help, deceiving yourself that you got this and that you can do it without Me." That my friends is pure pride and God makes it clear that pride comes before a fall.
Well fall I did, and the only place I could go from there is to look up to God for help. Thank God for His tender mercies are new every morning and His grace is sufficient and more than enough. I asked and He answered. He restored my heart and gave me a fresh dose of His grace.
Not only did he give me the power to excel in my workouts, but I was more aware of how much I am dependant upon his grace. So even with a splurge day, when I turned back to Him for help, he gave me supernatural results.
There's no way I should of lost 2 pounds this week. My calorie deficit was nowhere near the 2 pound mark. This past week I had 5 higher calorie lifting days. I decided to go with my original plan of still eating higher calories on lifting days instead of cutting calories just to make a certain goal weight by the end of the week. That's why it surprised me so much to see a 2 pound loss. I thought for sure I would just break even and maintain my weight, especially with the splurge day. But somehow, someway, the pounds melted off and once again my strength increased this week. Crazy.
Another yay God in the books. :)