Saturday, July 18, 2015

Slowly, but Surely

Breath Nick Breath.  Haha.   I was hoping all of the water weight would have been gone by weigh-in day.   But half a pound is still a loss and I'll take it.  I'm just a little surprised because I know my body and a half pound loss at the weight I'm currently at is pretty low.  I'd expect this when I'm about 10-15 pounds from my goal weight, not 30 pounds.  

Like I said in my previous post, I'm still not going to change my plan to try and make up for these treat meals.  That's all part of making these changes into a lifestyle and not a season of dieting.  Remember my blog title is "forever" fit by 40.  I'm slowly making changes that I plan on keeping for the rest of my life.  

So let's talk about how some of the other things are going, like my workouts and devotionals.   Well, the workouts are going great.  This past week, my wife and I completed week 10 of the "fit2fat2fit"  program.  It seems like every day a part of my body is sore.  That's actually a good thing.  It means my muscles are always being "shocked" and not getting familiar with the exercises.  It's an environment for growth.... And once again, I was able to progress even further than last week in my exercises.  That's really exciting to me that I'm getting stronger physically while still continuing to drop scale weight.  That's a pretty clear indication that I'm losing fat weight and not muscle.  

One thing I did notice was that I did not find myself dedicating each day this week to God, asking and depending on Him for His help in my journey. To me, that's a clear indication of pride slowly creeping in.  The kind of pride that if not dealt with, will eventually lead me to "back sliding" into some old habits of splurges and gaining all the weight back.  So I had to repent and recognize that apart from Him I can do nothing.  For me, to be forever fit requires total dependency upon Him.  I've traveled down this road many times in my life before and have veered off course EVERY time I've tried to do it in my own strength.  I must depend upon Him. Every.  Day.  He gives us the invitation to come to Him and so I will.   

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